Moops Calamine Clay Powder is a naturally sourced clay powder brought to you in its purest uncontaminated form. A combination of zinc oxide and iron oxide, it helps soothe skin inflammation, dryness and itchiness. Use it for healing sunburn, rashes, poison ivy, poison oak, insect bites, stings, acne and dandruff. It also helps in delaying skin ageing—wrinkles and fine lines, and conditions dry, frizzy hair.
It is used in skin infection, calamine is also used in the treatment of skin rashes
It is good for oily sin treatment
It helps to lighten dark spots on your skin, will keep healthy skin hydrated (moisturized), acne-free, and will improve the complexion and texture of your skin.
How to use
Moops Organics Kaolin Clay with water or apple cider vinegar to create a powerful, yet skin-friendly mask for both face.
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